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Character Design

Alive and kickin' !

This section is where you and I can post, like and share our character

design and artworks.

Choose a catagory images below to view the section


Gods and heros, myths and legends



In here, you can post your character design which are the gods and heroes from all over the world. Not only gods and heroes but some fantasy elves and trolls can be upload in here. Choose one of those catagories above to look at those amazing designs.

Present Days

Everything goes flyin'



In here, you can post your character design which you set the timeline in the present days. It can be students, office workers, or even the rooftop freerunners. Choose one of those catagories above to feel the humanity mix with those cities skylines. ( Or something else maybe... )

Future Neon

Greatness of imaginations



In here, you can post your character design which you set the timeline in the future. Which it is good at mixing some neon lights and some hackers with high-tec gadgets and computers. Choose one of those catagories above to free your mind and sticks someneon nights in it!


Blood and tears, guts and fire



In here, you can post your character design which you want them appear on the battlefield with soldiers and gunfires. Suggest it can be WW1 or WW2. Choose one of those catagories above to feel the fear and pain of the war. Not only WW1 or WW2, but can also in the future like a neon war.

Soul Contacting

Mask off and face yourself



In here, you can post your character design which can be abstract. Mostly it can have some hidden encourage meaning, because pictures speaks loudly than words. Choose one of those catagories above to encourage yourself. Maybe it can talk to your soul?


Random things inside...



In here, you can post your character design which aren't those catagories above. You can post everything in here! Click the catagory above to watch random things in there. There could be some surprises in there...?

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