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Welcome to my class, student!




This is your first lesson for drawing. So we prepare the easiest part to start off, sky!


Drawing a beautiful scenery picture, one of the most important part is the sky. Mostly the sky can make us even more easier to understand the feeling of the artist express for.


And now, I'll show you how do I draw a very tradition good weather blue sky. Get your hands ready and here we go!

( Careful it's a long way down there! )


Step 1


1. Set up your canvas as this size => 1028W x 768H

2. Set your brush as AirBrush, size as 500

3. Set your color as originated sky blue (H: 3:100 , S: 092 , V: 228)

Step 2


1. Paint zig-zag from downward to upward. Paint centralized as you

    paint even more upward just like the sample above.

2. You can use the Bucket tool to fill the sky easier and faster. But it will

    looks different. Cruel to say it, it could be worse!


Q: Why you should you use AirBrush tool instead of Bucket tool?

A: Because the sky should be looks layered so you can see clearly

    which is the cloud? Which is the atmosphere?

    Unlike the Bucket tool, fill the whole with just one color. No cloud at

    the far away, no atmosphere, just a piece of boring color splat at the




Looks even more realistic



Ha! Kids doodling

Step 3


1. Add the same but deeper color ( V: Previous - 90/100 )

2. Paint zig-zag from downward to upward. Paint centralized as you

    paint even more upward just like previously you did.

Step 4


1. Use the Blur tool, set size as 500

2. Paint zig-zag like the previous moves, but now it's from upward to     

    downward. Paint centralized as you paint even more downward.

3. If the sky looks dark, you can use Airbrush tool set the color same as

    the color at the first step and paint at the bottom like the sample

    below, then blur the contacted area like the sample below

    Repeat it until it become the one like the most bottom.


Step 5


1. Create new layer

2. Use the AirBrush tool, set size as 200 and color as grey close to


3. Draw the concept of the cloud. Remember, your cloud must having

    the same direction. To set the direction of the cloud, first you need to

    set the direction of the wind in your mind. Like the above one, the

    direction can be go to far forward or it comes towards me.

Step 6


1. Once you done with your concept, then let's deal the real thing.

    Use the Brush tool, set size as 80.

2. Paint it on the concept cloud, and better focus to paint in the center

    and the bottom of the cloud

3. No need to paint over centralized. Make sure it looks like you almost

    can but hard to see the sky through the clouds.

Step 7


1. Use Blur tool, set size as 120

2. Blur the edge and inside of the clouds


Warning : Do not blur the bottom of the cloud. And make sure not blur

                inside of the cloud way too over. Or it would be like this.


Blur moderately


Blur overwealm


Step 8


If you can make it here, congrats to you, because you almost there!


1. Create a new layer

2. Use Brush tool, set size as 250, color as dark green

   ( H: 1:250 S:186 V:046 )

3. Put your cursor at the bottom corner ( left or right doesn't bother you )

    Then click to mark at the corner. Go to another corner, hold SHIFT

    and click at the other corner make a bold line.

    ( The middle point of your cursor must be at the very corner )

4. Use Bucket tool and fill the line.

Step 9


1. Use Pen tool, set size as 50, color as the previous dark green but

    slightly light ( H: 2:004 S:063 V:057 ), cursor type as Fuzystatic,

    texture as Leaves 05

2. Paint your line and slightly peep out the head like the above

3. Set color as light green but slightly dark ( H: 2:005 S: 051 V:047 )

    And paint below the light green like the bottom one


Step 10 ( Final touch )


1. Set size as 2, color as the previous light green, shape as Fuzystatic,

texture as Leaves 05

2. Throw some green dots as grass leaves has been blown by strong

    wind. Remember the direction of the wind you setted in mind.

Final Progress

Final Progress

New Canvas.jpg



Final Progress



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