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Welcome to my class, student!

Welcome back!


This is your fourth lesson for drawing. Now, we prepared another challenging part to learn, sunset!


Sunset, known as evening nightfall. The impression of it for most of the people is evening sun mix with the night sky and stars, presented on watercolor and acrylic paintings.


But this time, I'll do it by using SAI with my own style. Prepare yourself and here we go!

( Careful it's a long way down there still as usual! And also, now I'm using a new compu)


Step 1


1. Set up your canvas as this size => 768W x 1024H

2. Set your brush as AirBrush, size as 500

3. Set your color as night sky blue (H: 3:162 , S: 098 , V: 170 - 024)

4. Paint the sky as the previous tutorial did

(For more information about painting sky, press the button beside to learn how to paint the sky) ==>


Step 2


1. Create new layer

2. Use the Pen tool, set size as 500, color as white gray ( V: 234 )

3. Serveral clicks focusly, suggest click at the middle of the upper area

4. Highlight the circle ( Ctrl + A, then left right key to adjust location)


It is important to highlight the item. Highlight just like a barricade, can limit your drawing space and not letting the stain draw out of your selected area easily. If it was not highlighted, once the stain is out of bounds, cleaning them perfectly would be a big troublesome.

( You'll know it later wheneither you're or not )

Step 3


1. Use the AirBrush, set size as 50, color as the previous but deeper 

    color ( V: 194 suggest )

2. Sketch the maria on the moon roughtly, not too much! It doesn't

    matter if you draw the edge as long as your highlight is gone or



Fun fact: Maria - the gray area or spots on the moon. As the lava

eventually solidified with the moon cooling down, later impacts would still remains visible. Shortly to say, it is the lava bed / land of the moon.

Step 4


1. Use some deeper colors

2. Paint the maria more obviously than previous one. Be sure focus on

    the upper area

3. Use the moon white color if you want to adjust the maria and the

    moon sea.


CAUTION! : Do not use the Eraser tool while adjusting. This is what will

 happen if using it...


Yeah, shits always happens but, don't do it that much though..

Just ... becareful

Step 5


1. Use back the 2nd gray-white moon color ( maria's sketch ), size as


2. Serveral click with small drags on the moon sea as some small

    meteor holes

Step 6


1. Once you it, duplicate and paste the moon

2. Use the Blur tool, set size as 100

3. Blur the second moon ( Layer 3 ) to show the moonlight


There are some ways to blur the moon, each way represents a different

expressions. Here are the 2 examples :


Side Bluring:

Blur around the edge

Can use it as a cloudy night

Sad, worried, oppressive expression


Full Bluring:

Blur wide and fully

Can use it as a clear night

Happy, ease, joyful expression

Step 7


1. Use the Pen tool, set size as 3-1, color as full white

2. Click the sky to draw stars


Tips: Big stars = size as 3, more appear at top, least at middle

   Medium stars = size as 2, more appear at top and middle, least at


   Small stars = size as 1, most appear at top and middle, less at


   Top => Middle  => Bottom

   Big => Medium => Small 


Step 8 ( Final touch )


Bravo! Bravo! Let's applause you had just in time at the final act!


1. Create a new layer and draw some clouds ( You can adding

shadows by paint a deeper gray at the bottom and the opposite direction of the moonlight )

2. Put your cursor at the bottom corner ( left or right doesn't bother you )

    Then click to mark at the corner. Go to another corner, hold SHIFT

    and click at the other corner make a bold line as the sea of cloud.

Repeat this phase.

    ( The middle point of your cursor must be at the very corner )


( For more information about how to draw clouds, press the button below to learn how to draw the clouds )

Final Progress

Final Progress

New Canvas.jpg

Step 9 ( Bonus )


1. Create new layer

2. Draw some mountains in black by using the Pen, Brush and Bucket

    tools ( You'll learn how to draw the mountain at the later lesson )

3. Draw some birds in black by using the Pen tool

Final Progress




Final Progress




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