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Welcome to my class, student!

Welcome back again!


This is your third lesson for drawing. This time, we prepare another

challenging part to push onto it, the sun and sea!


Well, I actually wanted to teach you how to draw sun only, and it's not included the sea. However, my mind told me that the best thing to mix with the sun is the sea! And if so really does, I must teach you how to draw the sea too!


So, the actual challenging part isn't mean hard to do it, but it means it is many steps and it become complicate instead of many work focus in one thing.


A beautiful day scenery picture, if you want to represent that it is a wonderful or happy day, then the bright sun can't be lost. Adding the sea can feel ease, wide and freedom at the same time.


So, I'll show you how do I draw the sun with that fine weather blue sky, add-on the ordinary blue sea. Be prepared and let's go!

( Careful it's a long way down there still! And some bonuses this time. )

Sky and particals

Step 1


1. Set up your canvas as this size => 1028W x 768H

2. Paint the blue sky and some clouds

        ( I bet you knew how to draw these right? No? Then click the button below to learn how to draw them )



Step 2 ( Skip it if you can't do it )


1. Use the Brush tool, set size as 50, color as dark green

(  H: 2:003 , S: 034 , V: 074 )

2. Draw and paint the hill with some darker and lighter green and Brush

tool as Fuzystatic


I didn't meant to set both as Fuzystatic, another one below should be Leaves 5, so that's a fault. But an accidentely right fault, because that not just worked too, it became evenmore better than I expect! :D

The below one should be Leaves 5

but this shit still works though..


Yeah this one


Step 3


1. Highlight the sky, then copy and paste it

2. Click the [ Flip Vertically ] to flip the sky umop-ep!sdn

3. Press Ctrl+T to free transform the sky, squeeze it from top to bottom,

then press [ OK ] beside

4. Click [ Filter ] above, select [ Brightness and Contrast ], set the

color deepen to +35


Magic happens..








Color Deepening


From the sky to the sea


Step 4


1. Use the Pen tool, set size as 70, color as full white

2. Click serveral times at the fit position 'til it become full white like the

example above

3. Create a new layer behind the sun

4. Change a bigger size like 100, then click the same position serveral

times, but lesser than previous. Change a more bigger size and click more lesser than previous.


Step 5


1. Use the Blur tool, set size as 100

2. Full bluring the sunlight to make the sun and sunlight realistic

Step 6


1. Once you done with your sun, merge both layers

2. Copy and paste it

3. Use free transform to squeeze it to make the reflection on the sea

4. Hightlight the sea

5. Use the Blur tool, set size as 40

6. Blur the reflection, but mostly the edge


Step 7


Just one more step and you're done it!


1. Create a new layer

2. Use the Brush tool, set size as 10, color as light-gray, shape as


3. Draw a curve line as the waves

4. Use the Blur tool, set size as 10

5. Blur the top and bottom, but not to much. The bluring direction should

be left to right

Final Progress

Final Progress

New Canvas.jpg



Finally! The bonus! Now, I am going to tell you about the relevant of the sky and the sun. Somehow it's important, eventhough it is a short one.


The color of sky is decide by the position of sun. As the height of the sun position is going higher, means it's close to noon, then the sky should be blue. If it goes lower, that can be mean as sunrise or sunset.


But you can't quite sure about it is sunrise or sunset though. Somehow sunrise's sky can be blue too, but mostly are orange yellow.


And also, as the color of the sky has changed, everything will change the color as the sky did.


How about take a look at these?

New Canvas.jpg


Blue Sky

Sun goes high

Looks normal

Evening ( Sunset )

Yellow / Orange Sky

Sun goes low and touched the horizon

The color became yellowed because of the reflection of the sky

New Canvas.jpg

Step 1 ( Bonus Artwork )


1. Go to the layer panel, change the position of the sea layer and the

hill layer

2. Free transform the hill, the bottom sticks with the horizon ( sea ) and

strech it a little bit long.


And magic happens...


This is a normal hill


Layer changed ( Uh.. What?! )


Transformed ( Holy Shit! )

That's right. Hill to island !

Step 2 ( Bonus Artwork )


1. Copy and paste the island

2. Free Transform it, but flip vertical and squeeze it to make the

reflection of the island. Press [ OK ] when you done

Step 3 ( Bonus Artwork )


1. Highlight the sea

2. Use the Blur tool, set size as 50, shape as Spread

3. Blur the reflection, but not too much at the edge of the hightlight line

Step 4 ( Final touch of the Bonus Artwork )




1. More waves! Do the same as you draw the wave previously

2. Use the Pen tool, set size as 3, color as sand ( H: 0:190 , S: 116 ,

V: 244 )

3. Click at the corner of the island to mark, and click + [ SHIFT ] at

another point somewhere at the top of the sea / horizon to make a beach


And you're done! Applause to you then!

Final Progress

New Canvas2.jpg




Sky and particals


Final Progress


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